My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How do you flu?

Well its been a little longer between posts than I would like but this 'bug' i have been trying to fight for the last couple of weeks has taken a hold and carried me off to flu land where I am currently being held hostage. *sigh*. So, like any good kidnap victim, I have given in a little (just to appease my captor) and am taking..wait for it..a full day off all training. This is a scary thought just 6.5weeks out from comp, but my body has given me no option and if I keep trying to push it, it's only going to get worse. This means that nutrition must be spot on, which is also tricky when u feel rotten. *double sigh*.
Lately my mind has been consumed with food! Im sure many of you figure girls can relate to this! A few weeks ago one of our staff members asked me what I was craving and back then I think I said not much really, maybe some cereal (in particular granola oooooooohhhhh YUM!). The cravings weren't so bad that I had a bucket list of food swirling around my head. Now, i DO.
Here is a list of what I want to dive into and devour:
- Huge bowl of honey nut granola
- Milo from the tin with a spoon
- Licorice bullets
- Strawberries, blueberries, apples, raspberries and any other fruit you can think of
- Avocado
- Jelly beans
- Honey nut cereal
- Cookies and cream ice cream
- Carrot cake, banana cake, rainbow cake...any sort of cake will do
- Nuts
- Yoghurt
- My famous homemade chicken salad
- Banana Smoothie
- Chai latte
- cookies with icing

Ok im going to stop there! lol! There seems to be a running theme of sugary things which is definately what im craving. I saw on someones facebook page the other day that they have started a 'goody box' 4 weeks out from comp so that once their show is over they have a collection of everything they have been craving stuffed into one big box! Hahah! I love this idea but its far too dangerous for me to be putting naughty food into a box and then having it sit in the house - anyone want to hold onto it for me?!
Ok so I had measurements done on sunday and i was quite pleased. My bodyfat is down to 11.5% (although on the body comp machine im at 16% so who knows where im really at but at least its coming down!), and I lost 3ml off each thigh (my problem area) so that was pleasing. My weight is at 58kgs (5 more to go in 6.5weeks). My lower body is definately starting to come down now, i just dont have anyhting left on my upper body to come off. I am starting to see some good muscle definition in my legs and it all seems to be coming along nicely. I may just be one of those people that everything starts to pull in and come together 2 weeks out form the comp, who knows.
So thats all to report for now, just plugging away the best I can - not long to go now and i can actually see the finish line...


  1. Good on you for listening to your body and taking a full day off training. You are right, its much better to rest so you can get better quicker rather than pushing through!! Your body will thank you :) The nutrition thing is the toughest isn't it... I couldn't finish reading your food list, all sounded so good! ha ha A good friend once told me, food will always be there, but your comp day only comes round once! Stay focussed, one step at a time and you will come in right where you want to be on comp day! Your body sounds like mine... I only get the real big changes a few weeks out from my comp. If you keep consistant and keep plodding you will get the results!! Hope you feel better soon :)

  2. Shannon, it was so hard not training - but i still got on the treadmill and did an hour because i felt guilty! oh dear we are a strange breed arent we?! Your friend is right, a comp may only ever come round once so even though i go to bed dreaming of my food list i know it will still be there in 6 weeks time.
    When did u first compete? Id love to hear more about your experience with comp prep.

  3. Oh wow, you must have an iron willpower Lauren - I don't know if I could prepare simply because I love food too much!

    Good luck with getting rid of this nasty flu soon. I'm enjoying following your progress, looking forward to seeing the next lot of photos!

  4. haha! Thanks Mel - and trust me, i love food too! No iron willpower, just commited to my goal. Im really looking forward to indulging in a few (okay maybe all) of the foods mentioned above!
    Keep reading,, ill be posting pics soon....xxoo
