My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gotta love ASN!

Ok everyone, I promised to put up some more pics, and I have decided to dedicate this post to ASN (in particular Corina and Glenn)! Soooo I am rocking it out in ASN gear! Well, trying to anyway.

So still a lot of work to go, but its getting there slowly but surely. The bum and thighs still haven't registered that Im doing this comp - or if they have, they dont care and dont want to come. Well bad luck, cos i have already rsvp'd for them so they better well bring it or else.
All measurements are down, weight dropping a little but sitting fairly steady at 59.5kgs. BF down to 12.5% over 7 sites. Girths still dropping in some areas. Corina and Glenn have set around the 52kg mark for me so thats a good 7kgs in 9 weeks *sigh* thats a big ask. BUT im determined, so there. Not surprised there hasnt been huge movement in the last week as I have not been weight training due to my injury. Howeveer today saw me pump out an awesome heavy session so its all good to go for my new program next week.
Got a posing lesson with Corina tomorrow. I am scared to death. I just bought my stripper heels today (which are quite magnificent) however she has instructed...wait for pants or else. Urghh. So, i have gone out and bought some teeny tiny shorts - umm, well they look like knickers - to strut my stuff in tomorrow. Oh god, what has possessed me to do this? So im bringing out the big guns tonight. A TAN.
Ill keep you all posted on how that lesson turns out...Ok off to finish my cardio people.


  1. Loooove the ASN tank Lauren! - I want one! All the best for your posing lesson tomorrow, hope it goes well and looking forward to seeing how it went.


  2. Hi Lauren,
    Just saw ur blog and u look smashing. Michael rang to ask how my ankle was going a few weeks ago and mentioned u were working really hard on ur body. You are really and inspiration. Well done. Keep us posted on when the comp is and how u go.

  3. Its great isn't it Leisl! You can buy them in store or online. Its a good reminder for me some days! Nervous about the posing but maybe it won't be so bad. xxoo

  4. Anu hi! Its been so long and we have missed u! Thanku love on your comments, your so sweet. My comp is July 10th so only 9 weeks out now, and im starting to get nervous!
    I will give you a call this week, maybe u can pop in just for a catch up? Hope your ankle is healing nicely. xxoo

  5. Hey Lauren, thanks for your kind words. Yes would love to catch up. Lets make a date. I am taking coming monday off. My email is so give me a buzz - My mobile should also be on ur records.
    Dont be nervous about your comp - it is the first one for starters and as long as u r having fun - thats what matters and once again - you look great. xxoo
