My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hump week

Well this week has just sucked. Im not even going to try and sugar coat it. I have been fatigued, cranky, hungry, annoyed, disillusioned and downright over it. So in terms of comp prep - im right on track! I just couldn't get my mindset to shift back into positive gear, and it seemed the harder i tried to do it, the further away i got. It was wednesday afternoon when i was toying with the idea of throwing it in. Here are some of the things that ran through my mind: why am i doing this? It would be easier just to stop. No one would care if i chucked this in. Im not going to make it to the stage anyway so why bother?
So i sat with these feelings most of wednesday afternoon, swinging from 'you CAN do this" right back down to "But why are you doing this?" and back again.
Looking back over this week now im actually amazed at myself because despite the negativity, i didnt once cheat on my nutrition and still managed to get in 2hrs of cardio in everyday. So even though my mind was playing headgames - i was still in competition mode - a very good sign that i CAN make this to the end.
So after a bit of an emergency text to Corina asking what can i take supplement wise to make me feel normal again (oh and telling her i thought i might have a 'bug') she told me to get my bum into ASN to have a chat.
As i walked in i was greeted by glenn and corina who took some enjoyment in having a poke at me, saying "oh your tired and feeling unwell? oh yeah there must be something wrong... (laughter ensued)" and then "Lauren, you're comp prepping, this is how your supposed to feel! If you felt any other way, we would think there was something wrong at this stage!". Ok ok people, im new to this! I really thought i was going crazy! However the feedback from corina and glenn was that im on track and that im really lean upper body so now the weight has to start coming off the legs YAA!
Sooooo after my little intervention yesterday Im feeling positive, motivated and ready to do this. I have 9 weeks left and thats a little scary but i can also see the end now.
Oh and i have to give a big shoutout to my girl KT who visited mid week and took me shopping! lol nothing like a shop to heal the soul right girls?! Anyway she really took my mind off comp prep for a few hours and i lover her for that.
Oh and Glenn told me i can have sugar free Jols if i need them *big smile*. This has truly made my week!
So there u have it. Comp prep is not easy - in fact its downright torture at times, but losing focus is not productive. I can do this. I will do this.
Progress pics this weekend....

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