My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Monday, July 12, 2010

Figure athlete reporting in!

Well i did it! I finally realised my dream of becoming a Figure Athlete on Saturday night, and boy oh boy, what a buzz! It was everything and nothing i expected.
Where do i start...
The day began with what felt like xmas...steak and 60g of lollies for breakfast. I kid you not. The night before i realised very quickly that my carb load of white potatoe was bloating me. After sending an emergency text, with picture of said bloated belly, to my coaches, i got an emergency phonecall at 11pm telling me to STOPPPPPPPP the potato and move onto plan B...operation starburst rattlesnake lollies. So the day started off well and just continued to get better and better! I spent most of the morning chilling and getting 'glam' and that was due in large, to mrs makeup extrodinaire Kate! Wow, what an amazing job - thanku hon. Then before i knew it - me, hubby, glenn and corina were in the car headed to Glen Eira stadium. As we jostled our way through the hoards i realised it was going to be time for me to get out on stage with the other girls to open the show. So i threw on my sports wear and headed nervously out on stage with 30 odd other beautiful glamazons. Ummm, i was packin it! I was so nervous by this stage that i just wanted to get in the car and go home! Im not sure why - this was the moment i had been training for for 16 weeks!!! I needed to collect myself so i could show off all my hard work.
Fortunatly, a short stint sitting int he audience with hubby, support crew (thanks girls!!) and corina, settled my nerves, and then it was time...
Glenn and Corina bustled me backstage and into a sea of fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, lots of makeup, sparkling bikinis and a table loaded with every sugary delight you can think of. We were packed like sardines, it was hot (thankgod, because i was so sick of being freezing!)and everyone was madly applying their last coat of tan for the stage. So i stood still whilst glenn and corina squirted and rubbed handfuls of the so called 'dream' tan onto me, until i looked like a little golden emmy statue. All of a sudden, a very official looking person burst through the doors and yelled out 'Novice figure short, your up in 15 , we have moved your group forward'. What the?! There i was standing in my beautiful bikini - with less than half my tan applied. When i saw the panic in glenns eyes, i started to get nervous all over again. Needent have worried however, as what seemed like 30 seconds later the tall offical man wandered back in and told us we had more time due to lengthening the intermission. Phew!
So finally tanned up, olive oiled, and with a tim tam in the belly, i was ready. I began to move down the hallway and before i could say one final word to glenn or corina, i had found myself behind the curtain on stage with 5 other girls!
As the nervous tension grew, we all chatted mindlessly and practised our routines.
And of course - i was up first...there it was, my name being called out...
'And please welcome Lauren Badman, representing Unique Fitness Studio, from Tasmania'.... Ummmmm WTF??!! Tasmania?!! That really threw me! However off i treked in my stripper heels trying to look confident, not fall over and rememebr the poses.
On stage I felt nervous but strong but the minute they called forward 3 girls to compare i knew i had not placed and so i started to relax and just enjoyed it.
And then it was over - i had placed 4th, and for me, i felt like the may as well have called me first, i felt like a winner. It was a very strong lineup, and the girls that placed deserved too, like me, their journey had paid off.
So there you have it, i achieved something that seemed so impossible many months ago. I had transformed my body, learnt many nutritional lessons, learnt alot about myself and about who i can count on to support me (and who i cannot), and conquered some demons along the way...
Today i spent the day relaxing, reliving the special moments of saturday night and catching up with some blog girls...oh yes, and eating! My poor belly! My bestie left with her hubby after a chow down on some chocolate pizza on sunday, and so now im left with photos, a medal and many many memories...
Im so forever grateful to my coaches glenn and corina who, without them, this would not have been possible. Those guys along with ASN supported me the whole way. It goes without saying that the special man in my life who i adore is the reason i stepped up on that stage. And finally to Liz, kate, and jess who came to the show to yell and scream and cheer for me,you guys are the best. Thanku to all the other wonderful clients that called me, or left me gifts and cards or just thought about me on the day - it meant so much to have your support. Thanku to all the clients that came to the afterparty, what a great time!
A lot of people have been asking now what Lauren? What happens now? Well, i have decided id like to do the October Melbourne Comp. Im off to chat to my coaches tomorrow about plans for this. Yes people, im addicted!
Ill leave you now with some pics...
Remember, train hard, eat clean and ANYTHING is possible xxoo


  1. What a journey girl, so worth the blood, sweat and tears! Congratulations once again, you looked stunning x

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Babe! I know I've said it already, but good on you. It's so nice to hear you had such a wonderful time too and have caught the bug too :) You look amazing and should be SO proud of yourself for just taking the journey xoxo

  3. You look amazing, I only found your blog today after reading ^Kristens post.

    Your a winner for just getting up there. Well done! I have enjoyed reading your journey.


  4. Glad the experience turned out great for you! Well done on getting up looked great!

  5. Congratulations Lauren!!!!! You looked gorgeous and should be sooo very proud of achieving your fitness goal to get up on stage, your hard work and determination paid off. Good on you chicky!! We thought it was you up there, but Selina and I were also a little confused with them announcing you were from Tassie too??? I'm sorry didnt' get a chance to meet you in person... but couldn't find you amongst the crowd :( Oh well, always next time when I visit Melbourne. Hope you enjoying the extra food and getting some well deserved rest. xx

  6. Thanku all for your lovely comments - it means a lot that u have all wanted to share in my journey!
    And shannon, such a shame that we didnt get to meet - definantly next time! How random is it that they said i was from Tassie lol! Backstage i was trying to get them to correct it and they said they couldnt hahah! Oh well, guess i represented for the apple isle then! xxoo

  7. Hey lauren!!
    Congrats on the weekend!! Shan beat me to it, but sorry we didn't get to catch up. We were a bit bamboozled too when they announced you from Tasmania. We knew it looked like you (sometimes hard with all that black stuff and drag queen make-up on) ;) but we also knew you weren't from Tassie!
    Well done babe on getting up there and celebrating your journey - that's what it's all about!
    Hope you're enjoying post-comp... it's one hell of a rough ride (7 weeks later I'm still working out balance) but if you need help, reach out to those who care :)
    So what's next on your agenda??
    Also - who did your kini? Very stunning!

  8. Hey selina!
    Oh god the tassie thing was hilarious wasnt it?!! too funny! We were all having a giggle about it backstage!
    It was such a great night, what a thrill to get up there and show off all my hard work. Just the fact that i got up there was good enough for me!
    Ahhh yes post comp bingeing! I havent stopped eating for 4 days!!! Tomorrow im starting clean and also doing a workout because i feell like a sloth! And ur right, just getting support from my coaches and hubby has helped so much but it is tough to find that balance again i think with food...
    Well i start my prep for the melbourne october comps in 2 weeks! Yaaa! Im so excited to build some good muscle this time, and prep won't be so tough this time round thank goodness!
    What about you hon, whats next? Any more comps on the horizon?
    Oh and Helen Navara here in melb did my bikini - isnt she marvelous! i loved my kini!
    Thanks again for your kind words and support, Chat soon hon xxoo
