My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Monday, July 19, 2010

Food food glorious food...oh bugger im fat again

Well what an interesting week post comp it has been. Only one week has felt like an entire month. And this is why. I have not touched one vegetable, stepped on my treadmill, lifted a weight, or checked my watch to have my next meal. I have been a complete sloth. And can i say, this has not come guilt free. there have been times in this last week i have thought to myself, gosh, better get my arse moving again, and then i have stuck my hand in the m&m packet and carried on watching The real housewives of NYC.
So, where has this left me? Ummm with a bloated tummy, fluid retention and an extra 5kgs on the scale ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well if you don't laugh, you will cry. I know i know, i couldnt keep my 49kg frame without sacrificing my sanity for much longer - but gee, really? 5kgs? Yes a lot of that is water but im not going to kid myself - i have been stuffing my face for 8 days straight now AND not exercising. Its a receipe for disaster - i only have myself to blame. So, that being said, its time to reel it on in again. Decisions have been made.
Now that i have consumed enough sugar to feed a small country, i feel ready to get back onto a plan, and actually 3 days after my comp i decided i was going to compete inthe october comps!
Tomorrow i start my prep. I will be approx 12 weeks out tomorrow and im hoping that this prep will be a whole lot easier considering that i dont have as much weight to lose. I started 16 weeks out last comp at 65kgs. This time round i will be starting 12 weeks out at 55kgs. Ahhh big difference. Glenn has said he would like me to be at the same comp weight of 49kgs but with an extra 5kgs of pure muscle. I like the sound of that. i had to lean down so much last comp that i just didnt have enough time to build the level of muscle i would have liked. So this time round its heavy heavy lifting and hopefully a lot less cardio.
I did a grocery shop today - im finally over my aversion to brocolli - and have just finished cooking my food for the week. Im excited to get moving again, this has taught me that i love exercise a lot more than i love jelly beans. Go figure.
So i have decided to put a (much better) plan in place after this comp in october. I am a qualified sports nutritionist, who thought i had the knowledege to get myself into an eating plan soon after comp - i was wrong. I need specific help from a pro to ease myself back into 'normal' eating after this comp so i dont make the same mistakes. I have contacted a well known coach and competitor who will do me a post comp plan. Im excited about this because it will give me the direction i need to help stop the infamous post comp binge!
So life after a comp is well, pretty ordinary! Dont get me wrong i love my life, but preparing for a comp is such a thrill and there is an exhilaration thats hard to describe. So for now, im happy to keep competing and bettering my physique.
Well people, here i go again............... enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, i've been told before that sometimes having credentials (i've got a nutriton science degree too)makes it even harder for us because we are 'expected' to know EVERYTHING! I know that for me, APPLYING knowledge can be the toughest part.

    It sounds like your next 12 weeks prep will be a lot easier than your first. But remember to be kind to yourself and take it easy for a few weeks. You've put your mind and body through the ringer so it needs a little break to recover x
