My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Saturday, July 3, 2010

7 days until cake... not steak!

Well the title says it all really. My husband actually came up with this one the other night and said i should use as my blog done! Thanks Mick!
Before i get onto comp related 'stuff' i just wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who emailed me, messaged me, rang me and came and saw me in person, to give their condolences regarding maddy. You all have been part of her life in one way or another and im so very grateful you all knew her as i did - a beautiful, wonderful and loyal dog. She is missed but will always be in our hearts. A particular thanku to Lisa who brought me the most beautiful bunch of flowers, a smile and a hug...its because of people like Lisa that I was able to mend my broken heart a little and forge forwards. So thanku...
OK comp prep is in its final days. Id love to be estatic, however my diet of steak/chicken, sweet potatoe and brocolli is hindering somewhat my will to live! I do think this week will be the longest i have ever experienced. Its a gruelling end to a long 15 weeks and saturday just cannot come fast enough... im ready for some CAKE!!! Actually im ready for anything that has a little bit of flavour. As ive now had to say goodbye to my friend, black coffee and my life line 'jols', im really starting to hurt, become foggy and a tad moody. I have a carb load on friday (which sounds exciting, but actually isnt at all) and then saturday its show time!
I picked up my bikini yesterday - and it fits yaaa! I was having panics about it not being right, but helen the bikini lady is magic, trully magic. She told me she uses the force...hmmmm, i beleieve her.
I also had measurements take today and all is better than good. Im sitting now at
54kgs, which if u think sounds tiny - it is. I am constantly frozen due to lack of body fat and keep getting bruises because i keep bumping into things (i think im wider than i really am at present lol!). All girths have dropped but i didnt check my body fat, but it must be below 10% because 3 weeks ago when we checked i was at 10.5%.
So this week sees me finally getting rid of most of my workouts, cardio has dropped as has my weights program, and by wed i dont have anything to do except practise posing. i just simply wouldnt have the energy for anything else anyway. Im off to register for the comp with Glenn on wednesday and thennt he rest of the week is getting glamourised! I have tans, haor and nails all booked in, so im excited to have some pampering.
Not much else to report really, now just going through the motions and ready for it to be over. I have enjoyed the process of comp prepping, and i will do more comps this year, but it is hard bloody work and yes, im ready for it to be done with! Im ready to go out for coffee with my hubby again, to have meals with friends and not panic about eating every 2 friggin hours! Im ready to have 4hrs back in my day where i dont have to exercise, and im ready to wear clothes that arent gym gear! So all in all im ready for saturday. I have worked hard for this, and im ready to get on stage and show my hard work.
I will probably do one more update before the comp on saturday so keep an eye out..but if not, ill see you on the other side of the competition!


  1. Good luck for this (LAST) week ahead Lauren! I would have loved to come watch you on Saturday, but my parents are down this weekend visiting so I figure I better hang out with them - or I'd win the worst daughter in the world title!
    I'll be crossing my fingers for you tho and am sure you'll do fantastic! Looking forward to seeing your comp photos.

    mel x

  2. Cheerin’ ya all the way Miss Lauren!! Can’t wait to chat to you Friday and to see your pics. You’re gonna rock it!!!


  3. Thanks girls! Im finally on the countdown WOOHOO!!
    Im really nervous at the moment but hopefully that will pass once im in the moment.
    Thanku all for your support along the way, its been amazing.
    Leisl girl, i will be chatting to you soon, cant wait! xxoo

  4. GO GIRL!!! So you'll be doing Novice yea?? Hope for your sake you don't wet your pants... LOL!! You'll be in your element once your up there, strutting your HOT STUFF!!!

    Will be nice to say hello!! I'd love to chat to you bout your studio too ;)

  5. lol selina! yes wet pants would not really go in my favour i dont think hahahah!
    Im doing short novice and i think im finally starting to get excited!
    I cant wait to meet u and would love to chat to you bout my studio hon - see u saturday!! xxoo
