My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well this is going to be very quick this post because i am only just holding my shit together... 2 days ago my husband and i made the agonizing decision to put down our beloved girl Maddison. For those of you that dont know, I am a more avid fan of animals than I am of most humans. I have always been an animal lover and 8 years ago i rescued maddy from the rspca. The following 8 years i treated this dog like a princess and she was spoilt beyond belief. She was my mate, i was hers.
The last few months have been very difficult as her behaviour started to become more erratic. She was getting older and should have been settling down a bit but she was always barking, agrressive towards aother dogs, not a fan of small children and generally stressed if not in her own little environment. She also suffered from hip displaysia in both hips, abyss's and a lump/tumor on her chest. So all in all a beautiful dog but riddled with difficulties. We had the option of keeping her locked in doors all day or drugging her up on medication to make her docile and passive - neither of which would have equalled quality of life in my book. Our wonderful vet stella (who has been with us through all the surgeries with our other dog Niko) agreed 100% that the best option was to let her go...
I have cried straight for 2 days, wracked with guilt and feeling terribly lonely...
We still have our beautiful Niko to hold and cuddle, and for that im grateful, but life just doesnt seem the same now.
Yesterday, i nearly threw in my comp prep. It just didnt seem important anymore. I just wanted to curl into a ball and stay there in my grief. i didnt cheat on my food plan yesterday - but i just didnt eat, which is kind of just as bad. Today, after A LOT of supportive pep talks from many of you out there, i am determined to see this comp through... i will dedicate it to mouse.
So with waves of sadness engulfing me every couple of minutes, i am pushing through, and although a bit numb i know i have to do this and finish it off.


  1. Oh you poor thing! I know just how you feel...we had to put down our baby in March she was 15-though didn't seem a day over 5-started having seizures out of the blue...she was a part of us for sure! I really feel for you-continuing the comp prep will give you something to focus on.
    hang in there!

  2. Thanks raechelle, it is such a tough time. And i agree, your animals are just part of the family. It feels like i have lost a child...
    But life goes on and i will use comp prep as a focus - sux that i started my 10 day prep out today though, so no more oats or banana (good comfort food in my book!).
    Thanks for your kind words xxoo

  3. Lauren,
    I know your fur baby loved you both just as much as you loved her. Just think, in a few days time, she'll be watching you from doggy heaven, egging you on to win your title.
    Love from us both,

  4. Thanku Andrea (and pete). My heart is very heavy at the moment but your kind words, although making me cry (!), have really helped. She did love us so much and i hope she is not disappointed in us for the decision we had to make...
    Much love xxoo
