My journey to become a Figure Competitor

My journey to become a Figure Competitor

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hungry hungry hippo...

I am hungry.

Perhaps as hungry as a hippo. I nearly clawed my husbands eyes out last night as he opened a block of cadbury chocolate in front of me. Men. I actually stopped the movie we were watching and told him to finish the f#%@ing chocolate whilst i surfed the internet upstairs. At that he very tactfully put the chocolate away and came and got me - apologising no doubt for being a bit of an insensitive douchebag.

Ok, maybe a little over reaction on my part but people, im STARVING! And im tired and carb depleted, so yeah sue me for being overly sensitive to the heavenly smell of chocolate ala areo bubbles.

Now, he did this the other night (i know right!) and it didn't bother me - well ok it did a little but nothing i couldn't handle. I sat with him, ate my chicken and had my green tea and was fairly content. It just goes to show the rollercoaster of emotions one can experience whilst comp prepping.

So onto more important things - measurements. Today im comfortably sitting at 56.8kg. My Body fat over 7 sites is still on 10% and waist and hips are down and so are my biceps ;-( Not good. Im losing a bit of muscle which is to be expected but i hate losing muscle - but i LOVE losing fat, so whats a girl to do?
Legs sllloooooowlly coming to the party. Im not stressing anymore because its pointless. Im doing what im told, im following everything to the letter, so if they come in on time they do, if not, at least i know i gave it 110%.

I did say that i wasn't going to post photos and boy oh boy did that create a stir! It seems u guys out there reading this and clients also, are wanting to see my progress, so it seems like i have to give the readers what they want haha!

Well there u have it. Please excuse the awful posing - im still trying to figure that out with the help of glenn and corina. It is such a crucial part of the on stage presentation - it can make or break u - and it is so darn difficult to master. But im getting there...i think!

Michael and I went to Georgia May Naming day yesterday and let me tell u, this is one beautiful little baby! Congrats stu and amanda, georgia is divine...see what i mean...

And finally, a shot of me and hubby on our way out...

He does my head in occasionally...but i love him all the same!

Ok well im off to cheat on my husband with my latest fling....the treadmill.


  1. Looking great girl, not long to go now, STAY STRONG! =)

  2. oohh thanks hon! I really appreciate your support.
    Yep can see the finish line looming now...33 days and counting!

  3. Great pics Lauren - you are super-woman! I can't believe you are doing 3/4 hours of training A DAY!!
    In our house, we have something called hanger - it's hungry-anger and usually occurs when I'm 'trying to be good'...
    Good luck and thanks for posting pics!

  4. Mel you crack me up! Yup i definantly had some 'hanger' going on - i mean come on, it WAS chocolate!

  5. Hey babe

    Good you stayed strong around hubs and the choccie but can imagine it woulda been hard but thumbs up to ya!

    Progress pics are coming along nicely. Gawd I don't think I'll put an of mine up, not for a while - they're still scary! I think so anyway LOL!

    Yeah the posing is something I want to nail 200% soooo important hey?!

    Good luck chickadee I'm thinkin' of ya all the way.


  6. Wow Lauren! That is incredible! I know I haven't seen you in a while at the gym, but didn't think it was that long- amazing results. Looking hot!

    At least the hunger isn't for nothing. I promise I will never eat chocolate in front of you, in fact I think your reaction would scare me.... a carb depleted woman can be slightly crazy.

    I have just started my marathon training and although a completely different event, your results are still very motivational.

    See you soon.
